Wiltons Transport

Wamuran. Qld

About Us

Wiltons Transport is a family owned and operated business based in Wamuran, Queensland that began in 1999.

We offer transport services along the Australian Eastern Seaboard

The original two trucks that started Wiltons Transport

Customer Service

As a family owned business, we place a high value on our people and our customers.


Our highest priority is keeping our drivers and other road users safe. Our team follow a set guideline of workplace safety procedures keeping your product and our team safe.

Highly Maintained Vehicles

Our fleet of vehicles undergo servicing and safety checks. It is important to us that our team delivering freight can rely on mechanical excellence.

Some of our valued customers

Find us at the office

1 Turnbull Rd, Wamuran. Qld. 4512

Give us a ring

Todd Wilton – 0408 542 804

Drop us an email

Admin @wiltonstransport.com.au

Contact Us